About Me

I am a poet, writer and teacher from North East Ohio.

With an MFA in Creative Writing (focus in poetry), I have been a bit of an itinerant poet, and so have found opportunities to work in elementary, middle school, and college classrooms.

Over the years, I have taught composition and creative writing courses, lead poetry outreach workshops with elementary to adult groups, and played the role of poet for a veteran focused writing group. Recently, I began skateboarding and writing about it–check it out here if so inclined.

It is my belief that the literature of the digital age is lying in wait, that there is a need to challenge norms while staying true to the most human elements of what we do, and that the ancient songs are the future songs so long as we experiment, try new things, and enjoy the ride.

You can find links to a handful of pieces published by professional creative people on the Publications page.

Click Digital Portfolio to check out some of the writing experiments I’ve been up to.

If you would like to connect, send a message through the contact form below or get to me on Instagram.

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